What is core energy coaching?
It connects you to your core energy - the essence that lies within your core, and makes you, YOU
Helps align you with your purpose
Unleashes positivity and new possibilities
Why is it transformative?
You learn to use your core energy more productively, making it self-sustaining
Once you learn to harness your natural skills, there’s no looking back
Makes you fearless and capable of confronting any challenge
What is unique about working with me as a coach?
As a long-time practitioner of yoga, meditation and mindfulness, you’ll get a coach who walks the talk
I harness the power of soothing and cleansing reiki energy in my sessions
As a spiritual mentor, I'm able to bring the gift of love, non-judgement and abundance to my sessions
What will you walk away with?
Energy Levels At A Glance
Credits: Bruce D. Schneider, Energy leadership -The 7 level Framework for Mastery in Life and Business
Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment
A psychometric assessment that measures energy levels and accurately reflects your attitude, leadership style and response to stress
Helps you unleash your most effective and powerful leadership style
Recognised as a foremost assessment every leader should take, and an eye-opener to your soul